ReleasIt Encap-Clean DS2 - 4 X 1 Gallon

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$254.99 CAD
ENCAP-CLEAN DS2 With its potent encapsulation cleaning performance, Encap-Clean has become the benchmark for encapsulation shampoos in the carpet cleaning industry. Its powerful formulation mixes at 4 ounces per gallon. It out-cleans every other encap shampoo on the market today. Encap-Clean DS2 is loaded with its unique Crystalon3 encapsulation polymer that encapsulates soil and holds it in suspension until it can be extracted from the fiber during the post-vacuuming process. Encap-Clean DS2 combines a built-in Soileze protector along with a soil-resisting polymer, so carpets can’t attract soil and will actually stay clean longer between individual cleanings.